all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8AA 15 3 53.106642 -2.029684
ST13 8AF 23 6 53.106453 -2.030399
ST13 8AG 17 2 53.106552 -2.031686
ST13 8AH 4 0 53.10684 -2.030835
ST13 8AJ 11 1 53.106812 -2.031611
ST13 8AL 10 0 53.106606 -2.03194
ST13 8AP 61 0 53.105212 -2.032833
ST13 8AQ 3 0 53.106606 -2.031537
ST13 8AS 43 0 53.104825 -2.03213
ST13 8AU 29 0 53.105518 -2.032088
ST13 8AW 11 1 53.106093 -2.032627
ST13 8AX 29 0 53.105599 -2.031745
ST13 8AY 49 0 53.104196 -2.033611
ST13 8AZ 18 0 53.104924 -2.034403
ST13 8BA 4 0 53.105419 -2.033403
ST13 8BD 27 0 53.10336 -2.034357
ST13 8BE 36 0 53.104322 -2.034059
ST13 8BF 17 12 53.10292 -2.030892
ST13 8BG 32 0 53.103908 -2.034776
ST13 8BH 10 0 53.104736 -2.03164